After 5 years on the web, technologies have greatly developed and the time came to renew with a particular attention to the future which will allow in a simpler and more efficient way to add or update the various sections and a better interface with the final users.
Between January and February 2019, the Italian Liners Historical Society will make available online its new website, section by section.
Needless to say, it was a complex and difficult task which we devoted more than 18 months of work, mainly in consideration of the huge quantity of materials added to our pages in the past years: more than 200 pages, thousands of pictures, brochures, dépliant, posters, cards etc. all rigorously commented in both Italian and English.
Our new virtual museum, at first glance will present a new full screen interface, a new menu and a new home page allowing all members to access their own private area for the management of their data and their shop orders.
In less than two months we are confident to launch all the sections in their new version before uploading several brand new pages, part of them accessible to all users and part just to our members to offer a totally new and modern route to navigate our site.
The technology used for the new offers the opportunity to experiment and launch new interactive sections and enjoy the data browsing experience.
You are all invited to come on board and experience a fully renewed enjoyment for whoever loves Italian liners and their history making easier and funnier to preserve this important page of our cultural heritage.
